I-Tal Hempwick 250ft Ball

Sale price$12.50

I-Tal Hemp Wick 250 Feet

This hemp wick is an all natural alternative to allow smokers to avoid inhaling poisonous butane, flint and sulfur from lighters. It is made of organic hemp and bee’s wax which creates a slow burning wick for a safe alternative for lighting tobacco products. Spool contains 250′ of organic wick.


  • WARNING! Butane, flint, and sulfur are released when using normal cigarette lighters, and these are TOXIC and DANGEROUS if inhaled.
  •  Using the original Hemp Wick, the I-tal Hemp Wick, these risks can be avoided.


  • Experience your smoke how nature intended! With the original I-tal Hemp Wick you can finally indulge in the full flavor of your smoke, without the taste of harmful chemicals. As the complex essences of your herbs or tobacco entertain your senses, you’ll realize just what you’ve been missing. Light up and enjoy full flavor smoking pleasure.


  • Only Pure 100%, ultra refined beeswax is used in the creation of I-tal Hemp Wick. All impurities are extracted creating a smooth even burn with no additional flavor out put from the bees wax.
  • ONLY pure RAW Hemp, Hand harvested and processed in the ancient ways of Hemp farmers of the past centuries. No chemical treatments are used in producing I-tal Hemp Wick’s hemp twine.


  • Why poison yourself? Studies have shown that toxins in excess butane from lighters can be stored in your spine, and with extended exposure can lead to neurological damage.
  • The original Hemp Wick, the I-tal Hemp Wick is good for you and good for the environment! A must for all health conscious and connoisseur smokers.
Size: Single