16oz Clorox Stash Can
Looking to keep your valuables safe? Use this cool can safe to hide money, jewelry, or any other valuables. No one will ever think of looking here. This is an actual can (empty) of Clorox. The bottom screws off for great storage.
The bleach stash bottle is another option for larger household sized hidden diversion safes. Indistinguishable from the real thing, the false bottom rim twists off to reveal the storage compartment hidden in the center of the bleach container. This hidden safe is constructed from an authentic 16oz, 30oz, and 64oz bleach container, with the safety cap and all. Each bottle was cleverly weighted in the bottom so that it could feel authentic in case it is picked up.
- AUTHENTIC - Made from a real 16oz, 30oz, and 64oz bottle of concentrated bleach.
- WEIGHTED & SECURE BOTTLE - The bottle is weighted in its bottom half to feel like a real Clorox bottle that is usually half full. The cap is an authentic safety cap that is not easy to open.
- HIDE YOUR VALUABLES in plain sight with this popular household stash can. Nobody would guess that the extra bottle of bleach under the sink or in the mop closet is keeping your valuables safe and secure.
- SECRET COMPARTMENT is hidden in the center of the stash bottle, behind the Clorox label. The hidden compartment is accessed by twisting and pulling off the top portion of the bottle.